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Bose noge cipele

Bose noge cipele

🗹 add a personal touch to your collection

🗹 works on books, envelopes and stickers

🗹 no ink needed

🗹 easy to use

Regular price £269.00 GBP
Regular price £269.00 GBP Sale price £538.00 GBP
SPAR 50% Sold out

Bose noge cipele

Regular price £269.00
Regular price £269.00 Sale price £538.00
SPAR 50% Sold out
  • free shipping
  • over 10,000 sold
  • free 90 day returns

How do I create my custom design for the embosser?

Creating your unique design is easy! Simply select your seal design, type in your name and click "Add To Cart". We'll create your seal on the next business day and ship out your order shortly after.

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Included FREE with every embosser:

🗹 50 golden seal stickers

🗹 personal travel case with matching design

Transform every book in your collection into a personalized keepsake.

Experience the warm, nostalgic touch of vintage elegance, as each press embeds your personal signature into the heart of your cherished collection. Transform your library into a bespoke treasury, where every page whispers your name, binding you forever to your favorite tales.

Worldwide Shipping Policy

Your Custom Book Embosser will take 3 days to craft and 3-7 business days to ship. We provide worldwide shipping, ensuring everyone can enjoy our unique product. Tracking numbers are issued as soon as production begins, keeping you informed every step of the way.

90-Day Guarantee - 100% Money Back

If you are not fully satisfied with your Custom Book Embosser, you may return it within 90 days of delivery for a full refund or exchange. Please ensure the product is in its original condition and packaging. Contact our customer service team using the contact form on our website to initiate the return process, and we will guide you through the steps to ensure a smooth experience!

  • custom for you

    a personal seal for your unique collection

  • no ink needed

    forget messy stamps- our embossers are clean and quick

  • gentle on pages

    gently emboss your treasures in a few seconds

  • pro craftsmanship

    designed and produced by international artisans

Frequent Questions

How do I submit my custom design for the embosser?

Creating your unique design is easy! Simply select your seal design, type in your name and click "Add To Cart". We'll create your seal on the next business day and ship out your order shortly after.

What materials are compatible with the embosser?

The embosser is designed to work best with standard book paper, stickers and envelopes. Thicker weight papers are okay to emboss as well but we do not recommend cardboard or thicker materials.

How long will it take to receive my custom embosser?

The custom crafting of your embosser takes approximately 3 days, followed by a shipping period of 3-7 business days depending on your location.

How do I properly use and care for my embosser to ensure its longevity?

To ensure the longevity of your embosser, use it on suitable paper thickness, avoid excessive force, and store it in a dry, clean place. If the embosser gets dirty, gently wipe the surfaces with a dry cloth. For the first few uses, try embossing on scrap paper to remove any manufacturing residues.

What should I do if there is a problem with my embosser when it arrives?

If there's an issue with your embosser upon arrival, please contact our customer service immediately. Provide a detailed description of the problem and photos if possible. We'll work with you to resolve the issue, whether that means sending a replacement or offering a refund according to our 60-day return policy.

Recenzije kupaca

Na temelju 5 recenzija
Nikolaj Carlsen

Ove cipele su apsolutno fantastične, imam ravna stopala i tražio sam par cipela koje su udobne, ali i lijepe, pa sam odlučio isprobati ove. Oni su puno bolji nego što sam očekivao, vrlo su fleksibilni i lagani, ali istovremeno ne daju osjećaj da su krhki, i koristim ih već nekoliko tjedana, zapravo, vrlo su dobre kvalitete za tu cijenu (neke cipele izgledaju dobro, ali se jednostavno raspadnu nakon nekog vremena). Za mene su ovi 10/10, također sam iznenađen kako dobro podnose vodu (nikada nisam očekivao da će biti vodootporni, ali su puno bolji nego što sam očekivao u svakom slučaju). Pošiljka je također brza, a izgled je fantastičan (imaju široku kutiju za prste, ali ne čine vaša stopala ogromnima). Vrlo sam zadovoljan svojom kupnjom, kupit ću ponovno u budućnosti.

Rasmus Trentemøller

Fantastične cipele, moja stopala su doslovno ponovno rođena, možete vidjeti koliko su fleksibilne, i vaša stopala će to također osjetiti. Želim kupiti više pari, imaju i taj pametno-ležeran izgled koji je savršen za mnoge prilike.

Trine Clausen

Vrlo udobne i lijepe cipele, nakon 3 tjedna osjećam da se moj plantarni fasciitis zapravo poboljšao, i generalno osjećam manje umora u nogama (nosila sam ih jučer 12 sati bez ikakvih bolova). Vrlo dobre cipele, mogu ih samo preporučiti.

Yvonne Thøgersen

Volim ove cipele!! Točno su ono što sam željela, jednostavan par cipela za moje svakodnevne smjene, koje su udobne i ugodne. Za mene su 10/10, i moji prijatelji su ih primijetili te ih također žele! Vrijeme dostave bilo je brzo, i dobio sam ih za manje od tjedan dana, također sam bio nesiguran oko veličine, i Sarah je bila zaista od pomoći. Jako sam zadovoljan s cipelama i primljenom uslugom 💜

Mikael Hansen

Jako sam zadovoljan s ovim cipelama. Udobne su i pružaju dovoljno prostora za prste, a najvažnije od svega, izgledaju dobro, što je glavni razlog zašto nisam kupio bosonoge cipele. do sada! Nosila sam ih cijeli dan jučer, i uopće me nisu boljele, vrlo su fleksibilne, i osjećam da se doista dobro prilagođavaju obliku mojih nogu. Želim ih kupiti i u sivoj boji.